Business Incubation Program
Start at IIMK LIVE

Physical infrastructure at IIMK LIVE is called LIVE HIVE and facilitate co-learning and co-working. 'Hive' - a concept of spatial planning is adopted to provide reconfigurable, user-centric and experiential space that allow ideas to foster and idea-owners to learn while they work. HIVE achieve a balance between 'me' and 'we' by providing individual workstations and collaborative spaces. LIVE HIVE also has spaces for knowledge sharing and community engagement to provide inspiration to the resident start-ups.

Incubation Program
Go LIVE or Go Home
IIMK LIVE incubates early stage start-ups that have proof of concept or prototype ready to commercialize. The Business Incubation Program at LIVE is designed to support start-up enterprises validate Business Model and identify Product-Market fit. Through mentor-ship, systematic workshops and community networks, it prepares startups to commercialize the product and transform an innovation into a business venture. The one-year program is designed prepare the start-ups to generate its own revenues or get funding support by the end of the program.

Incubatee Start-ups
The resident companies or incubatees under the business incubation program at LIVE are carefully chosen particularly keeping in mind the innovativeness of the product and the team capabilities. It is highly competitive process to be a resident company at IIMK LIVE. However, once part of IIMK LIVE community, LIVE WIRES, as the start-ups at IIMK LIVE are called find their connections to GO LIVE. Find out more about the resident companies and the alumni start-ups here.